[Prev|Next|Index] Fri, Feb 23, 1996 John R. Allen right and wrong By John R. Allen I don't know the difference between right and wrong. I know what is right for me and what is wrong for me, and I live my ideals as best I can. But I have not lived your life. I have not experienced your experiences. I cannot speak for you. But there are those who feel they can, who feel that they know best what I can say and what is better left unsaid. The internet is a million voices, and I can hear them all, one at a time. Some may influence me positively, some negatively, but everything I read makes me think just a little bit differently. It makes me examine the concrete I've built up in my mind over the years. Some things I read help add another layer of concrete. Some things (the really meaningful things) I read break the concrete up and again reveal what's under all those layers: an open mind. I may not want that; I may not like that; but I need that. When the language we are allowed to use is skewed, the very thoughts we have are skewed. Don't take my word for it; read George Orwell's _1984_. Freedom is a beautiful thing; it lets you follow your own path. Restrictions on freedom do just the opposite; they force everyone to follow a prescribed path. And that path can get awfully worn. I've made lots of friends over the Internet and I hope to make many more. I hope that we can always have the freedom to be honest and frank with one another in our discussions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Twenty-Four Hours of Democracy]